That makes me wake up today, and what about you?

Stefan just smiling, omg what I´m saying ..
"just" is out of place ...

Up to Taylor mh...

Matt and Elena, really great friends, i think.. and Matt is really nice...

...poor Vicky...

"I see why my brother is so smitten" ... "It´s about time"

These scene was great -like all with they both-


That was soooo OMG ! And then that with Damon, OMG cute and dangerous at the same time...-Franzi eine der Scenen an die ich den Tag über dachte-

That was what i mean.. OMG

"Do you wanna know what i would write oder er sagt what i regret( aber warum soll er das bedauern???-Franzi help!!!)? " she nodded " I met a girl, we talk , it was epic" she smiled...

This wasn´t the last Scene... Oh jeah, this wasn´t I´ve just have to say OMG Damon, what are you doing?

End ! .. Just of Episode Two ...
Kurz und knapp oder ??"lach"
XOXO Bigi, ich hoffe ihr habt euren spaß -kommentare bitte "lach"
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