At these Ep( 162 Candles , Ep8) it was all about smiling ...

Ach Stefan

Hey Lexi...

New Haircut, but I prefer his first one
Ich bin echt gespannr auf seinen Masterplan, die Scene war so witzig...

Jeah Elena, Bonnie is a witch -I like it-

Jeremy and homework, something is wrong...

This was really scary


EP 7 "Haunted" Screencaps

Poor Jeremy

This looks really good don´t you think?

I mean, i miss her, but her death was a good you know scene? jeah...

Bei den Scream Awards, Paul and Benjamin ( two hot guys) what do you think?

Am Set von VD, von der ep 7 "Haunted"
Zuerst als ich Lexi im Trailer für die 8 Ep. sah, dachte ich what a B* itsch, I mean I do like her, but not really -at the beginning- and then I saw the whole Ep, and at the end I thought
" She was really cool, but she´s death" Just because of Damon, jeah right, Damon killed Lexi with a dowel (omg)
And then the thing with Bonnie, soo cool, and then Matt and Caroline at the end, it was cute, but just in a friendly way you know...
Ep 9( History Repeating) Clips:
Shit , OMFDG Damon NO!!!! What happend with him no....
XOXO Bigi, I read something in english, thats the reason why I wrote in eng...
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