Ich weiß ich weiß, nur ein Bild, aber wenn mehr kommt stell ichs wieder rein.
Die Jacke kenn ich noch gar nicht an ihm,grins.
We all know that Rob is a talented musician and his tracks on the Twilight album blew us away.
Rob told MoviesOnline: “I might make an album but not through a record company or anything. I’d like to do something independent.
“I don’t care if people buy it or not. I’d just like to have it just for myself so I can work with good musicians and stuff.”
Rob hasn’t written many songs in the past but would probably pen a few for his album.
He says: “All my friends are musicians in London. They’re very talented. My best friend wrote one of the songs on the soundtrack with another friend of mine, this guy Marcus Foster who did Bobby Long.
Das wär zu schön um wahr zu sein.
The rumor mill has been on fire with talk of Madonna, Vanessa Hudgens, AnnaLynne McCord, and Dakota Fanning being hired for a coveted spot on the New Moon cast, however there has been no official confirmation of any of them being hired.
There have also been rumors circulating that Drew Barrymore will be directing the third installment of Stephenie Meyer’s
Twilight Series. These rumors are false. Due to the New Moon production schedule for director Chris Weitz, his brother and co-owner of “Depth of Field Productions” - Paul Weitz - will be directing Eclipse. Chris Weitz is about to start directing “New Moon” but will still be in post-production when the third film starts shooting.
Just last week, Summit officially announced “Eclipse” will be released in theaters June 10, 2010.Eclipse will NOT be filmed back-to-back with New Moon, and there will be completely separate casting cycle. Details about future auditions and open casting calls for Eclipse can be found on the following auditions website: http://acting411.blogspot.com