Ich glaube es ist gut das er wieder zur Reha geht, denn es wird ihn nur helfen, ich finde er ist ein toller Schauspieler und seine HUGO Werbung ist immer die Beste(grins)
Trying to get his life back in order, Jonathan Rhys Meyers has reportedly checked back into an undisclosed rehab center to deal with his troubles.
Known to have an issue with alcohol, the Irish actor previously spent time at the well-known Promises Clinic to deal with his drinking woes back in 2005.
An insider close to Myers via The Tudors tells Perez Hilton, “He [Jonathan] is one of the nicest guys in the world, he’s a pleasure to work with. He has his demons all right, and he’s trying to cope with them as best he can. I couldn’t have coped with even 2pct of what’s being written about him. He is also great with children. If any kids ever come on the set he’s really nice to them. He gets down and talks to them face to face and makes sure they get autographs and whatever they want. He’s brilliant that way.”
Meanwhile, the 31-year-old currently has three new projects in the works, with no word so far on whether the rehab time with change production plans.
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