Ich denke das hat nie ein Ende, aber ich denke das wars dann echt. "grins"
Ich hab noch ein paar interessante Sachen für euch gefunden, wie das hier
Oder hier ein Interview mit Cris Weitz , Melissa Rosenberg, Ashley Greene und Taylor, sie beantworten jeweils ein paar Fragen
Kleiner Einblick darin:
What do you think that you're bringing to New Moon that's different?
Weitz: I think I"m very old fashioned in terms of my films references and what appeals to me. In the way that shots are composed and the way the camera moves. The color I like to bring out of things, and so that influenced the people that I hired on the crew. I'm always more influenced by somebody like David Greene, not that I would put myself in the same breath as him, Kurosawa or somebody like that, than anything that feels at all contemporary. Because that's already there. The characters are contemporary. The music is contemporary. The feelings are perennial.
Ashley, how are you preparing for Eclipse, and what scenes are you looking forward to shooting?
Greene: I just got the script probably three days ago, so I haven't gotten the time too much to dig into it. But I will and I work with my coach and kind of bounce ideas off of her, but it's kind of nice because we're playin ghte same characters and we're building on to them and digging deeper into their layers and so I feel like the hard part of it is over, and now we're just having fun with it. I'm excited about filming it Eclipse. I don't want to give anything away, but I'm excited about the things that are going to happen.
Und für die die das Panel interessiert( das wo es die 5 Video´s gibt) hier ist der ganze Text dazu, man versteht ja echt nicht so viel, aber wir Fans können eben nicht still sein wenn wir unsere Stars sehen..."lach"
Kleiner Eiblick...volles
Q: This question is for Rob, and my name is Nanette, and I’m in love with your music, and your style. I just wanted to say would you ever be interested in doing open mic nights ever again, um, even with the fame?
Rob: Uh *laughs* um. Yeah, I mean, I would. I’m just too, I’m kind of, uh, a pussy, I guess. That’s the problem. But, no, I’d love to. I think, I think everybody should do open mics. I think it’s very healthy for your, for your soul. So yeah, I’d love to do it again, but, uh, I dunno. It’s kinda like I’m cutting a record if I do open mic now, so. *mouth pop* I dunno.
Audience member: So don’t record his songs!
Rob: What?
Interessant interessant "grins"
Ich hoffe ich halte euch schön auf den Laufenden, und euch gefällt und interessiert das auch.
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